Carmen Has A Crush On Yours Truly...

Funny little tid-bit and great for the promotion of Meet The Spartans. Also new raW 2.0 episode coming out tonight. Keep watch or subscribe on iTunes.


Saudi Women To Hit The Road

I know I haven't done much of anything in the last week. Rest assured that it was not due to a lack of motivation on my part and simply due to small family problems; my mom broke her ankle! Damn you winter! When will this dreadful product of beautiful Mother Nature stop torturing all of our good citizens?! OH THE HUMANITY!!!

Uhum... Ya... Um... Did someone mention something about Saudis?

Autoblog is reporting that after a 75 years since the creation of the state, Saudi Arabia is going to allow its women to acquire a driver's license and auto insurance. The change will take effect at the end of the year and create an albeit small blow to the repressive Wahabi fundamentalism in the country. And you all thought there was no progress with human rights in Muslim countries. Actually critics are quick to point out that Saudi Arabia and the Royal family have not lived up to other commitments. But I say this is a bit bigger than some may realize. As any teenager will tell you, driving is the key to independence! Sure it'll take some time for the culture to adapt, but this is perhaps the ice-breaker.


Source: Autoblog
Image Source: tinou bao on flickr

I See The Nuns Are Gay!

Really not much to say about the above. Its called Benny Lava on YouTube. Its hilarious! Any self-respecting, brain deteriorating, internet content guzzler should see it! Reminds me of "All your bases are belong to us." Thanks to my cousin, Jon for both of these...


Update: While we're at it...

Excitement Abound! - Part II

First things first, raW 2.0: Episode 5 has finally been released. This means we're still going, though not necessarily consistently putting out shows on a regular basis. Check out to download. 

Next, BIG news on the Apple front of which I am such a fan of. Steve Jobs and his distortion field did it once again, amazing its audience with new (though expected) and innovative products. First, "Time Capsule", the router with integrated storage (500GB or 1TB!). It goes perfectly with the new Time Machine software (why the hell did I buy a new external hard drive?!). 

Second was iTunes video rentals with an AppleTV update. Jobs and Apple have managed to get all of the major studios on this deal. This includes HD videos (for slightly higher fee of course!) if you have an AppleTV. The AppleTV itself can now rent or purchase other content directly without aid of another computer in the house. 

Third item was a free firmware upgrade for the iPhone and a $20 upgrade for the iPod Touch. This was no surprise as per the leak of the 1.1.3 firmware that hit the net last week for the iPhone.

Fourth, but CERTAINLY NOT least, the new laptop in the Apple Macbook lineup: the Macbook Air. Hailed as the thinnest laptop in the world, the announcement was certainly not surprised as this product was expected for months in the media, however its execution was, in Apple fashion, nearly flawless. The new laptop is simply astonishing and really is a glimpse of the future and where we're headed. I advise everyone to head on over to the Apple website to learn more about it. You can also check out Steve Jobs entire keynote and see its unveiling.


Source: raW 2.0 / Apple

Excitement Abound!

I'm sitting in class...We're taking a break. Taped an episode of raW last night by chance! Steve Jobs keynote is coming up in a couple of hours... Let you know what's what on these happenings a bit later. Oh gotta go!


Apple Store Construction In Montreal Begins!

Construction began this week on the first Apple Store on the island of Montreal (my hometown!). Replacing the Mens clothing store at 1321 Ste-Catherine W., the store is set to be the first big flagship store in Canada. Take that T.O.! Those fixtures are the beginnings of a barricade meant to protect nearby pedestrians from the exterior renovation of the building and to, in Apple fashion, create mystery and hype for the opening. If you're a fellow Montrealler, look forward to an opening sometime in the fourth quarter of this year.


Source: MacDailyNews
Image Source: ifo Apple Store

Masturbators Of The World Unite!

In an masturbate-a-thon that promises to give "pleasure, relaxation and sexual self-discovery" to any who attend, masturbators will meet in Copenhagen, Denmark on May 31, in hopes of breaking social taboos about self-love. "Masturbation is positive, safe and an erotic alternative," advocated Pia Struck Madsen, a sexologist. She hopes both men and women from different backgrounds will take part in the event. The gathering is not the first of its kind. Similar events occurred in San Francisco back in 1998 and in London a year and a half ago. The venue for the said event will offer separate rooms for men and women who enjoy their solitude and other rooms for those who don't mind the company. Well I don't know that I'd take part, but I gotta say it would either be a very fascinating event to witness or a VERY disturbing one.


Image Source: Sorgin on flickr