Holiday Surprise: Child Teen Gets $500 Phone Book!

This happens every year where parents buy their kid a popular and expensive present, only to discover something else in the box on Christmas morning. This time, Brandon Burns in California, expecting to receive a Playstation 3, much to his surprise and that of his parents opened up the sealed box to a phone book! Fortunately, Brandon didn't take it too badly. In fact he laughed at the situation, saying jokingly, "Damn! Those elves jacked my Playstation!" His parents however, didn't take it so lightly. They're attitude is that the EB Games store better make amends all the while hoping that they believe them. I don't think they'll have much trouble there. Generally, the store resists until the higher ups in the corporation decide this is a Public Relations nightmare and fix the situation. Don't get too jealous of your sisters' Karaoke set Brandon!


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