Man Hunted Down By His Own Dog!

In Houston, a chocolate Labrador retriever named Arthur, stepped on a loaded shotgun in the back of his owner's pickup truck, creating a blast that "pierced the vehicle" and hit the hunter's leg, according to local sheriff. The man, Perry Price, a 46-year-old math teacher, had gone goose hunting. After shooting one, he put it in his truck's bed while awaiting the dog to retrieve it. The dog then shot his so-called "best friend." Price was brought to a local hospital, but due to massive loss of blood, the doctors were unable to revive him. Now, was this really an "accident"? Did the dog not have motive to shoot his master? Or is this part of a much larger conspiracy?! Are all dogs coming for us?? Should we all lock up our dogs in their dog houses?!? You, the readers decide!


Update: Ok, so I realize, now having reread my post (yeah I read my own blog), that I may have been a little insensitive with the story. After all, a man did die by accident and guns are no laughing matter. If you're thinking about getting a gun, really, think hard. They are not simply "cool", they can end someone's life. If you do own one, use the upmost safety when hiding it, having it on you or using it. Accidents like the one above shouldn't happen.

Source: Reuters
Image Source: smellyknee on flickr

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