Sex Beat Out As Most Popular Search Term In China

In the past few years, its become tradition, even in the media, to analyze which were the most popular search terms on Google in the past year. Checking out the Google 2007 Year-End Zeitgeist, you will notice (*SHOCK*) that "iPhone" has been the fastest growing search term. However, one would assume that the term that is most widely searched for is going to be something like "sex" right? Well not in China at least. The second most connected nation (and soon to be the first with 162M people) was more interested in making money than watching porn this year as "the names of three banks and word 'stocks' beat 'sex' to become the four most Googled words." Coming from a socialist country and even given that Shanghai shares grew 97% in the last year, it's a little interesting and odd wouldn't you say?!


Source: Reuters
Image Source: netzkobold on flickr

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