DRM Is Dead! (At Least For Music Anyways)

Sony BMG, the last DRM holdout of the big 4 major music labels, famous for the root-kit scandal, has finally caved! (but not completely) Sony will be offering at least part of its catalog DRM-free in the first quarter of this beautiful new year of ours. Again this is only for the Amazon store so far and only in the United States. With Macworld in a couple of weeks, we could be seeing a similar announcement for iTunes. But I would like to take a minute to talk about us Canadians. Too often are we pushed to the side because we are a relatively small market (32 million compared to 300 million) or treated as a nation of pirates because our copyright system hasn't been updated to deal with our new digital world. I don't mean to pontificate but here are a few facts:
  • Digital music sales growth in Canada has surpassed that of the U.S. for the second year in a row. This year with 73% compared to 45%.
  • Digital Album sales growth this year has been 93% for Canada and 53% in America.
  • Album sales decline in the last year has been 9.5% in the U.S. of A. and, wait for it.... only 6.4% in Canada.
Give us a break already and be good neighbors!


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