Miracle Man Survives 500ft Drop And Is Expected To Walk Again!

A 37-year-old New York window washer, Alcides Moreno, fell 47 stories from the roof of a Manhattan skyscraper early last month. Dr. Herbert Pardes described his situation when he first arrived as "a complete disaster." His legs, right arm and wrist were broken in multiple areas, he suffered several injuries to his chest, abdomen and spinal column and his brain was bleeding. In the first few hours, they had to pump 24 units of blood (2x his own volume) into his body. Yet Moreno survived. He has at least some movement in all of his limbs, he breaths independently from machines and on Christmas day, "he opened his mouth and spoke for the first time since the accident." He is even expected to walk again! Now there's a miracle if I ever saw one! Granted he still has to go through several more complex operations that entail risk, but still, one has to admire the results so far. His wife stated, "Thank God for the miracle that we had. He keeps telling me that it just wasn't his time." To Alcides Moreno and his family, I wish them all the best, a good continuation in his recovery and to enjoy the miracle and second chance they've been given.


Source: CNN
Image Source: wallyg on flickr

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