How To Bring In The New Year: Take A Swim In Freezing Water!

So the new year is now upon us; happy new year to all! But how did you celebrate it? Did you stay home with friends while watching the ball drop in New York on t.v.? Did you go to a party or perhaps a dance club? Or did you celebrate the 400th birthday of Quebec city? (Don't worry, I didn't either!) Well I guarantee you've got nothing on these guys. 300 members of the Coney Island Polar Bear Club went for their annual swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off the New York coast in 5 degrees Celsius (42 fahrenheit) weather! What a bunch of cooks! But it was for a good cause afterall. They ended up raising $30,000 for Camp Sunshine, "a camp for seriously ill children and their families in Casco, Maine." Not exactly the first option I'd put on my list of things to do in the new year. But hey, more power to 'em for raising money for a good cause! Great way to start the year.

By the way, you should click on the link to see a hilarious (copyrighted) image of one of the members running out of the water screaming.


Source: Newsvine

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